Questions & Answers

Simplify adding measures to new score

+21 votes
asked Feb 13, 2019 in Notion Feature Requests by michaelaquilante (270 points)
It would be great if, in a future edition of Notion, it would be possible, via a drop-down menu, to add a specific number of measures or pages to a score before beginning to write/record notation.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 31, 2021 by davidbullock7 (1,220 points)
Having discovered the measure-line tool, I actually don't mind clicking it the number of times I need.  But my longest score to date is 2 pages and a lot of it came from Studio One.   I guess a reasonable approach would be to click the measure-line tool ('I' tool)on a blank part of a page, and have measures and systems 'fill up' the hypothetical linear space.