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Future Request: Add more rows in mixer window above each other!

+4 votes
asked Mar 27, 2019 in Mixing by mitchlangeveld (210 points)
edited May 22, 2019 by mitchlangeveld

Alternative mixer window

As a frequent and satisfied user of Studio One version 4, I'm a bit tired of scrolling left and right to see all my channels in the mixer window. With the luxury of 3 monitors I keep track of the main window in the middle and a seperate monitor for mixer and editor.

In the mixer window there is a lot of space unused in the top part of my screen, while scrolling repeatedly to left and right to see all my channels. Surely there is a way to make the channels tiny in order to see them all, but in that case my FX inserts and sends are not visible.
Therefor my request for future updates would be the option to make 2 or more mixing rows above each other in the mixer window.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 22, 2019 by mitchlangeveld (210 points)
edited May 22, 2019 by mitchlangeveld
Still no reaction on this request. This would be a revolutionary standout option for this DAW. Unfortunatelly the 4.5 update is packed with candy for ex-Protools users that I really don't need. My request could be THE solution for multiple monitor users.

Also a standard EQ option on every new channel like Cubase could save a lot of time for all of us.