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Plug-in sandboxing & Crash Protection (Feature Request)

+33 votes
asked Apr 13, 2019 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by markotunjic (290 points)
edited Apr 13, 2019 by markotunjic
Dear PreSonus team,

Only one wish that will have huge impact on producer’s happiness:

Plugin sandboxing, so no plug-in is able to crash the whole project, or even stop the project’s audio.



6 Answers

+3 votes
answered Sep 2, 2020 by joeljossie (5,340 points)
Bump. I've just spent the last week trying to troubleshoot, diagnose, and fix an issue with a project refusing to open due to a plugin crash. I wouldn't have had to do that if S1 had some kind of plugin sandboxing or crash protection - or at the very least, a crash log somewhere that could indicate which plugin crashed.

Bitwig Studio has an excellent implementation of this, with the ability to decide to what extent plugins will be hosted separately from one another - whether by manufacturer, by plugin, or even by individual instance. PreSonus devs, please consider adding something like this!
+3 votes
answered Jan 31, 2021 by normjohnson (1,080 points)
Please for the love of god add this feature.

It's easily the best DAW feature I've ever found in any DAW so far, and Bitwig is the only one that does it properly.

Follow their lead.  It makes life so much better.
0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2021 by arranger (390 points)
i would love this feature
+1 vote
answered Sep 21, 2023 by klausnyberg (1,830 points)
edited Sep 21, 2023 by klausnyberg
This is the most important feature. People don't upvote because they don't know how darn important it is.
"It's not studio one crashing, it's 3rd party plugs" .... Nah.

Studio One watches plugin jump off a cliff
Studio One jumps off a cliff
Studio One support - ... PLUGINS FAULT!!!

+1 vote
answered Nov 19, 2023 by 9Tron (460 points)
Bump. This is a much needed QoL improvement.
0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2024 by philipjonientz (490 points)
I upgraded from Studio One 4 to version 6, hoping it would behave more stable. Negative.

I don't have that many plugins, but from time to time one decides to crash. Sometimes the AU version of the same plugin would crash, and the VST would work or the other way around. Sometimes I mis-click the wrong version and... session gone...

Might have to give Bitwig a try.