Questions & Answers

Soundtoys plugin support

+8 votes
asked May 1, 2019 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by violetpow (1,210 points)
Since years i'm using Soundtoys plugins and since years they crashing studio one. The soundtoys bundle is one of the industry leading plugins. In my contact with the Soundtoys support they are keen to full support S1 but don't have enough human resources to do that. Its gonna be wonderful, if Presonus can help them.

7 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 2, 2019 by robertcorrington (860 points)
For the past several weeks, I've been using EchoBoy Jr. on many of my tracks.  It runs fine on my Windows 10 PC.  What computer are you using?  And what kinds of problems are you seeing?

0 votes
answered May 4, 2019 by violetpow (1,210 points)
I'm on a Mac and the issues can be differ between MacOs and Win10. The soundtoys guys confirmed that habit, if you replace a plugin with a soundtoys plugin it crashes sometimes. Another issue is when you put a soundtoys plugin on a track when S1 is running you get an instant crash. Often its crashing on a bus channel. That happens not all the time, but i have this since S1 3.5 or 4.1.

I guess its easy to reproduce when you put 6 different soundtoys on a bus track when something is running and replace it the plugins with soundtoys plugins.
0 votes
answered Aug 1, 2020 by filster (1,120 points)
I have also a problem with this (macOS Catalina 10.15) - some SoundToys plugins would immediately crash Studio One when inserted on a track. But I noticed that only some will crash it (like Sie-Q, LittlePrimalTap, ...) and only the VST versions - the AU versions run just right, didn't experience a crash yet with any of them. So you could try to use AU with SoundToys.
0 votes
answered Nov 17, 2020 by garywhite4 (420 points)
It's been a while since this was posted, but I thought I'd answer in case it helps anyone... Soundtoys plugs were constantly a problem for me. Crashing Studio One without warning all the time. The soundtoys plugs are so amazing I kept chancing them, but around 30-40 % of the time they immediately crashed S1 upon loading. I was using the VST versions. A few weeks ago I dumped the VSTs and started using the AU versions. Absolutely NO crashes yet. Problem solved!
0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2021 by Sergey Kosov (300 points)
Studio One 5.2.1 build 64495 not view all plugins Soundtoys 5.3.4, view only one plugin Tremolator. Reset Blacklist not work for it.
0 votes
answered Jun 13, 2024 by charlesshores (1,320 points)
Unfortunately this is still happening in 2024.
0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2024 by clmentmarion (1,800 points)
Indeed this has been and still is the case, through different generations of Studio One and Soundtoys.
It feels to me that it's the GUI that's crashing.

Everytime you use a SoundToys plugin for the first time of the day it crashes your project if you slide it and the GUI tries to open.
Then if you open the project and do it again it doesn't crash.