Questions & Answers

Feature Request: Real Time Quantize

+14 votes
asked Apr 21, 2019 in Editing by henjay (2,320 points)

In Studio One it's hard to be able to do strumming guitar with the quantize feature, because we always have to hit the "Apply" button all the time sad. I wish PreSonus would update the Quantize bar and make it in Real Time so when we adjust the timing we can see the Audio & MIDI move in real time (similar to FL Studio in this video) smiley...

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Incredible feature, should be put In here
0 votes
answered Apr 14, 2020 by colinmartin (270 points)
There are two features Im not sure you know about. The input quantize button and the Automatic quantize button both next to the quantize menu dropdown in the main and project windows respectively. The input quantize button will quantize all incoming midi to the values you set in the quantize menu. The Automatic quantize will let you highlight midi after the fact and adjust the quantization settings in real time. So I think both these features are covered.
0 votes
answered Nov 17, 2022 by paulmartin5 (410 points)
edited Nov 17, 2022 by paulmartin5

Thank you Colin! Wasn't aware of Input Quantize. Very useful. I have a slightly different need, though. Perhaps you have an idea.

I am getting realtime MIDI notes from an external interface that is not MIDI-sync'd. It generates what are effectively random events with respect to the song's timing. While IQ will quantize those notes into the track while recording, I am looking to have them be quantized (effectively delayed to the next "beat") and then played back by an instrument without sounding a note when the initial MIDI input arrives. Hopefully that makes sense. Any thoughts?

Logic Pro has this function as part of its scripting capability. It would be great if I can accomplish this in Studio One as I much prefer it!


p.s. I just found this thread: The second post suggests an answer but I haven't deciphered it yet.
