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Add option to quantize playhead jumps as in Ableton Live

+22 votes
asked Sep 10, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by marcora (2,900 points)
Please add an option to quantize playhead jumps as in Ableton Live (see global quantize).

For example, when clicking on the time ruler, now the playhead starts immediately from the clicked position. Same when jumping to a marker, etc. It would be great if instead of starting right away, the playhead would start in sync with the tempo of the song and wait for example until the end of the currently playing bar before starting. The amount of quantization (bar, measure, beat, 1/4, end of currently playing arranger section, etc) should be defined by the user.

This would, for example, become handy when performing live and wanting to jump to different arranger sections to generate a song on the fly. This could be achievable if given an option (for example clicking on the section on the arranger track, or with a keyboard shortcut similar to what's possible now with markers, or using Atom or another midi controller with pads/buttons) to jump to the start of an arranger section and have a global quantize option to wait until the end of currently playing section.

Just my $.02


3 Answers

+4 votes
answered Sep 26, 2019 by almadanke (930 points)
selected Oct 8, 2019 by guslozada
Best answer

A big YES PLEASE!yes

–2 votes
answered Nov 10, 2019 by leonordmann (2,050 points)
I honstely always hated that in ableton, and really like that S1 is jumping immediately.
+1 vote
answered Nov 10, 2019 by marcora (2,900 points)
@leonordmann This behavior should be entirely optional (as it is in Ableton Live, just set global quantize to None or press command+0). A DAW shouldn't severely limit workflow choices, on the contrary it should offer good workflow defaults as well as options for customization for a range of scenarios and user needs. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it is not the preference for other users.