Questions & Answers

Why can't I put sustain on my instruments?

0 votes
asked May 16, 2019 in Studio One 4 by matildamavridou (250 points)
When i use almost all of the pianos in Studio One 4 professional, i cant edit the "Amp Env" part to put sustain on. I turn the sustain and the release knob but it doesnt work :( how can i make sustain on the pianos in studio one?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 26, 2019 by tothrec (32,280 points)
I only see Impact, Mai Tai, Mojito, Presence and SampleOne Presonus instruments.

Which "piano" are you referring to?

Sustain is typically recorded along with the MIDI notes.

If you want to add it later, you can go into the Editor [F2] and add/remote sustain that way.

asked Jun 7, 2019 in Studio One 4 by matildamavridou (250 points) this is the piano that i mean
0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2019 by matildamavridou (250 points)

I mean the piano in presence, as you can see in the picture where my mouse is, that's where i can usually put sustain. But whenever i use the acoustic pianos in presence it doesn't work :/
