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closed Instruments plays, duriing midi playback not getting full sound like a sustain is just a pluck.

0 votes
asked Dec 31, 2020 in Studio One 5 by michaelhyland1 (210 points)
closed Jan 1, 2021 by michaelhyland1
RESOLVED by using a 3rd party uninstaller to get rid of files the uninstaller couldn't. On a reinstall runs fine now.

I can play an instrument fine. I record the instrument but on playback I don't get the full sound. For example I record a sustain and it only plays back a pluck. Like some of the midi data isn't running back right. I even tried this with Mai Tai and that instrument does the same. I record a sustain but just get a pluck back on recording. Without recording the instruments play fine.

Previous tracks that were recorded before this problem with the same set up playback fine. Tried reinstalling but no difference.

Here is a vid link explaining the problem
closed with the note: Resolved