Questions & Answers

How do I set up LA Scoring Strings inside of Notion?

0 votes
asked Apr 2, 2015 in Notion by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
How do I configure Notion to work with LA Scoring Strings?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2015 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)

LA Scoring Strings Setup Guide

When you have purchased LA Scoring Strings from Audiobro, the Audiobro Download Center will provide a download for you to install the preset data that must be added to the Notion application so that you can start using the built-in presets that Notion will be providing for you to use.

These Multis will need to be downloaded and installed to your Notion application folder to gain access to their use.

You can also find them on the Audiobro forum page after you login to your forum account.

Please add the Preset data to the following directory options in Notion:


 Macintosh HD>Library>Application Support>Notion Music>Notion 5>Presets>

 **Note: If you do not have a “Presets” folder, create one.


Local Disk>Program Files or Program Files (x86)>Notion 5>Presets

Mac OS 10.9 Users

The Audiobro Download Center is not yet fully compatible with Mac OS 10.9 (Mavericks). Audiobro is working on an update that will bring full compatibility.

 The current workaround is to:

 1. Install your Notion Presets to the default location

 2. Move the folder to your desired location after the install is completed

 Instructions for moving your library can be found here:

*If you are having any problems getting Kontakt to show up in Notion, please make sure that you enable the 8-out and 16-out versions of Kontakt by going to VST Instruments>Plug-in Manager in Score Setup*
