Questions & Answers

Feature Request: Possibility to assign e.g. FX mute to keyboard or midi shortcuts in UC Surface

+9 votes
asked Jan 5, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by justinhoyer (210 points)
Feature Request:

Possibility to assign e.g. FX mute to keyboard or midi shortcuts in UC Surface. I can't find a way to control the RM32ai via footswitch and I desperately need to turn off FX send without using my hands. With a keystroke emulator and a USB foot pedal it would be possible. If there's any other option solving my problem please let me know.

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 7, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Thanks for the suggestion.

If anyone else agrees, or disagrees, please vote on it.