Questions & Answers

When creating a new song I don't have the option to select Audio Box 22VSL

0 votes
asked Jan 6, 2016 in Studio One 2 by [email protected] (160 points)
Just connected my PreSonus Audio Box 22 VSL.  I've installed AudioBox 1.2 and the Studio One software that came with the unit.  Attempting to create my 1st recording and the 1st step is create a new song.  The 2nd step is to select Audio Box 22 VSL from the template - however the template only has options to select 'Empty Song' or 'Vocal & Guitar'.  How do I get the 22 vsl option to list in the template so I can select it.  I'm running windows 8 on a surface pro

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 7, 2016 by [email protected] (160 points)
Let me answer my own question.  I registered my hardware but failed to properly register my software.  At the top of the menu select 'Studio One' then 'Studio One Activation'.  Use the activation code on the CD Cover and follow the prompts.  Once properly activated you will now see the expected options per manual.