Questions & Answers

Custom colors for MIDI notes by velocity

+20 votes
asked Jun 10, 2019 in Look and Feel by timcunanan1 (220 points)
Would definitely like to see customization of the notes displayed on the piano roll with regards to velocity grouping.  The current scheme of how the colors of the note change (low velocity: purple, blue, green; high velocity: brown, pink) is quite confusing.  A gradient for a selected color from light to dark would make more sense and it would be easier to understand.  The current colors also do not look to good on a lighter color theme and would benefit from darker colors instead of the pastel-like ones we are given.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 20, 2019 by elvirjade (330 points)
This should be easy to do, why don't we see that feature added? I use my own palette for every note and play music using them, my keyboard and guitar are colored and I use a custom plugin for Musescore. Default color scheme for midi notes just confuses me.

Please, add this.
+1 vote
answered Feb 21, 2020 by bradenyork (280 points)
I'd at least like to know how to turn it off.