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Being able to move around the timeline with ctrl+alt+mouse click

+3 votes
asked Jun 14, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by marcusjrstad (150 points)


Im a former ableton user, and coming from ableton to studio one i see that i really miss the ctrl + alt + mouse click to be able to move back and forth in the timeline, which makes the workflow alot easier. Doesnt exactly need to be ctrl + alt and mouse click, but just any key combo where you can click down your left mouse button and freely move left or right in the timeline. Ableton has this, but also other softwares like photoshop or affinity photo which are photo editing softwares, and without this tool it would make the workflow really bad in those sort of softwares. So either a hand tool (not sure what its called) or a way to active the hand tool with some kind of key combo plus mouse click would go a long way.


3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 1, 2019 by frankrasmussen (1,060 points)
Yes, i really want that as well. I Was going to request it myself. It's such a great smooth way of navigating Quickly around. And it's not just horizontally also vertical. Logic does it too. And on Mac it have to be alt+cmd and or assignable as a keycommand. So you can make it alt+cmd yourself.
0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2019 by bradleyszyperski (1,140 points)
Mac users currently have this in S1 4.5 With the Magic Mouse.
Feels a lot like a track pad, We can zoom, Scroll around up and down etc etc.
0 votes
answered Aug 19, 2019 by Nip (3,260 points)
A really good help for me was Shift + mouse wheel that move timeline without disturbing playback cursor.