Questions & Answers

Stop earing other layers when recording a new one

+1 vote
asked Jun 23, 2019 in Studio One 4 by fredannabi (160 points)

I am recording on a virtual instrument, in "takes to layers" mode. When I record a second layer, I can ear the previous one at the same time, which is really annoying. It is not the case when I record multiple layers in Audio so I don't understand what is wrong with my workflow. What am I doing wrong?


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 24, 2019 by johndecarteret (650 points)

The likely reason that you're hearing multiple layers is because of a selection that you've not realized that you've made. I had this problem when playing back a vocal, suddenly I had a harmony. If you look at the layer tracks you'll see an up arrow on the RHS and if you select any of these below the activated layer you will hear them all.

If you them select the up arrow on the top layer it will then be the only layer you hear played back. I actually like this feature, never come across it before. I'm new to Studio One having just ditched Cubase and already I'm wihing i'd done it sooner. i purchase Studio One about 6 months back and just didn't make the change until last week. I'm loving it.
0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2023 by martinherzog (780 points)
Hi everyone,

I know, this is centuries old - but I had the same question just now, stumbled across this post and wanted to add the solution that did it for me. Just in case someone else has that issue in the future.

While John was absolutely right about how to choose the take to actually use when playing back, I believe the original question was about why the old MIDI notes are playing back while recording another take. You have to choose "Replace" also. Otherwise "Takes to layers" behaves similar to "Record Mix" while recording - although you still can choose the desired take afterwards.
Why it only behaves like that when recording MIDI, not with audio, I don't know. But leaving "Replace" always on when using "Takes to layers" - even with audio - doesn't hurt anyways, so I just leave it active all the time.

atb, Mart