Questions & Answers

Re-Recording during Recording should simply wipe the current recorded midi and start recording again

+1 vote
asked Jun 21, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by haimari (1,190 points)


I searched and didn't find this exact feature request, so if it's already here please reply with a link so i could vote for it.

Some times (many times) i start recording MIDI, and during recording i decide to stop and start recording that part again,

In Cubase (Any version) i just hit record again. what that happens is that the cursor (Transport) jumps to where i started the Current recording, and the recorded midi is cleared. the recording then resumes from that spot so i can start playing again until i get it right. 

For me this is very important, one click and i start recording again and again, when i'm done i just hit stop as you normally would.

In Studio One 3 i have to stop and delete the recorded part before recording again... 

So to sum this up:

"Re-Recording during Recording should simply wipe the current recorded midi and start recording again from the original recording position automatically"

Please bring this functionality to Studio One 3

Thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)
selected Jun 23, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

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