Questions & Answers

What are the differences between the three full-range models of StudioLive Ai Loud Speakers?

0 votes
asked Apr 27, 2015 in StudioLive Ai LoudSpeakers by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
You've got 3 different models of loud speakers, which one does what, can you simplify it for me?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 27, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
Each full-range PreSonus® StudioLive™ AI-series loudspeaker employs the same biamped, CoActual™ speaker for high- and mid-frequency reproduction. However, each model handles the low-frequency reproduction differently:

The 312AI features a 12-inch ferrite woofer, powered by two 500W amplifiers bridged together.
The 315AI features a 15-inch ferrite woofer, powered by two bridged 500W amplifiers.
The 328AI features two 8-inch ferrite woofers, each powered by its own 500W amplifier.