Questions & Answers

Keyboard stoped working

0 votes
asked Jul 20, 2019 in Studio One 4 by (140 points)
Hi guys.
After my upgrade to studio one 4.5 my M-Audio Oxygen 49 has stopped working. It works for a few seconds then stops. I have in installed it as an external device but it no longer appears in the drop down and I can’t get it to re connect via new keyboard or midi controller etc. I use it as a usb input. If you can help that would be great.
Many thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 22, 2019 by chrissederqvist1 (2,420 points)

You need to provide more details!

  • Operating system and version
  • Any installed drivers, version etc
  • Does it work in other applications?
  • Does it show up as a device on the operating system level?

Impossible for people to help if you don't provide crucial information.

