Questions & Answers

How do I export in WAV format without the pitch changing

0 votes
asked Aug 18, 2019 in Notion iOS by marcusjennings1 (120 points)
I have just tried exporting my notion file to WAV, however the resulting file is in the incorrect pitch (lower pitch) it may also be a slower tempo.

This is my first time exporting files but i can't see this question having been asked in the past or any mention of pitch change in the handbook. Any clues as to what might be going wrong?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2021 by chetjordan (170 points)
I am having a similar issue.  Just upgraded to StudioOne v 5. Playback is great, but exporting  the mix increases the pitch  and speed.

have the  .wav files in the media folder are changed.  Strangely,  the .song file plays fine.