Questions & Answers

recording midi output from ez drummer in studio one 4 professional

0 votes
asked Aug 21, 2019 in Studio One by robertmarshall3 (690 points)
Hey folks, hoping theres something silly I'm missing here:

I have EZ Drummer running as VST in Studio One 4 Pro, all latest versions, works great as plugin but I am trying to improve my songwriting workflow.  I would like to be able to "play" the drum kit on the screen with my mouse, as I run through a loop, and record the midi events of my "clicking" - hoping to see MIDI events corresponding to the individual drums or cymbals.  Essentially I want to use the on-screen user interface as a MIDI controller.  I have MIDI Out enabled in EZD but I am not seeing any activity in MIDI Monitor, nor can I seem to capture anything.  

Am I trying to do something EZD just doesn't support, or do I have something setup wrong in Studio One or EZD?  Anyone else doing this?

Thanks in advance  


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 21, 2019 by robertmarshall3 (690 points)
OK so now I feel kinda dumb.  But also a bit confused.

Bottom line, if I set the Instrument Track input to "EZ drummer", the MIDI events record perfectly.  Solved.

BUT...if the I set the track input to "All Inputs" (which one would assume includes EZ Drummer, as well as the other choices listed)...then no MIDI events are recorded.  Whats the story?

Studio One macOS x64
0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2020 by jimsutherland (860 points)
Midi is an Instrument Event and Audio is an Analog or digital sound file. Midi Events trigger Audio Samples(sound files) so they could never share track type. the MIDI file is M-USICAL I-NSTRUMENT D-IGITAL I-NFORMATION that tells the sound file how to play and with what characteristics (velocity, pitch, duration etc etc.)

I may have misunderstood you but.... 65$ gets you a AKAI MPD8, gives you 8 banks of 8 pads per bank (programs as its called by akai)  When you hit a pad, theres a hit on the drums on the screen. The velocity sensitivity is really good ....    I also use a AKAI MPK Mini Keybd for virtual instruments as well in SI , it has the equivalent of the MPD8 built onto it.... (i have both so I can be mobile when needed) Idiot proof installation. MOUSE CLICKING on the screen is really difficult with respect to timing (and a little rookie) and quantize wont always place the strike properly.  I occasionally have to tap out beats in EZD2 so I can find what i need in the database and the pads get you alot closer to whats needed