Questions & Answers

Does Studio one Artist v4 support EZ Drummer?

0 votes
asked Jan 12, 2019 in Studio One 4 by rabbitdelgado (130 points)
My dilemma is really quite simple, I suppose. I currently have Studio One Version 4 Artist Edition, I am looking to get EZ drummer or Superior Drummer. When looking at what supports those products it states it can NOT be supported by Studio one Artist. It states that VST or AU is not readable. And everywhere else I've researched only brings up information on Studio one Version 3, implying that you need a specific VST/AU plugin feature(which I have). I just don't want to make the purchase to Upgrade from artist to Professional if I don't have to spend the extra money. Just need to know if It will work If I buy EZ or Superior.

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Jan 12, 2019 by milkovanaalst (2,590 points)
It should work of you have the VST add-on for Studio One. Then you can use third-party plug-ins. EZ-drummers comes as a vst plug-in.