Questions & Answers

Can I collaborate with people & how online? I want to send my song to my friend in Missouri...

0 votes
asked Jan 20, 2016 in Studio One 2 by itsb4chun_8 (120 points)
Ok so my friend in Missouri is an awesome guitar player. I want to send him my song to listen to. can i do that? he doesnt have studio one 2 but will do it if possible. Please help me Im trying to talk him into it.... PS.....I LOVE STUDIO ONE!!!!!

1 Answer

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answered Jan 21, 2016 by randallfisher (180 points)
i think this will work if you just want tossed him the song go to the top click on song then hit export mix down, and render the song to a wave, if he is interested it studio one there is a free version to get his wheels rolling. i have not shared stems before but the next button down on the song menu is export stems if you export the stems then he should be able to load it into his daw and work on your song too. hope that helps.