Questions & Answers

How can I share my song with a friend who also has Studio One?

0 votes
asked Sep 29, 2015 in Studio One 2 by PreSonuSupt5 (21,400 points)
How can I share my song with a friend who also has Studio One?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2015 by PreSonuSupt5 (21,400 points)
edited Oct 15, 2015 by PreSonuSupt5
Best answer

REQUIREMENT: You should have the same version of StudioOne installed on both computers!

More than likely your songs will be too large to email so you will have to use a file sharing website or utility to send it to someone else. There are many file sharing sites and utilities out there that you could use. I recommend the following: - Free - Free - Free

I recommend these because I use them personally. Gobbler is a service geared specifically for sharing audio projects between multiple people. 

With Dropbox and Gobbler, it is not necessary to zip your files but you can if you want. If your song is small enough to send via email you will have to Zip the folder for your Studio One song using a compression software such as WinRar on PC. Mac has this functionality built into it. 

You can download it here: 


You will need to make sure you Zip the "top level" folder of the song to ensure that the entire song structure is captured, this includes:  Media Folder, Stems Folder, Bounces Folder, Cache Folder and the .song file itself.

One way to be certain you get the entire song file would be to "Save as new folder" under the File tab and compress that entire folder.

Instructions To Zip - PC:

Once you have WinRar installed you should be able to "Right-Click" any file or folder on your computer and choose "Add to Archive...". You then set the the Archive name which you should just leave as default and choose the Archive format as "ZIP". Click OK and it zips your file with the same name as the original. You can now email or use one of the above mentioned websites to send your file. 

Instructions To UnZip - PC:

With WinRar or some other unzipping program installed, you can simply "Right-Click" any zipped file and choose the option "Extract Here". This will create a folder on your computer with the contents of that zipped file. 

Instructions To Zip - MAC:

Mac has a compression utility built in to the operating system. To Compress a file or folder to a Zip simply "Right-Click" or [Control] - Click the file or folder and choose the option "Compress". You will end up with a new zipped file of the same name as the original file or folder. You can now send this file via email or other file sharing utility. 

Instructions To UnZip - MAC:

To unzip a file on a Mac, simply Double-Click the file or folder and it will start to uncompress the file for you into a folder of the same name. 
