Questions & Answers

I want to change the color for each pitch of MIDI NOTE as shown below.

0 votes
asked Nov 6, 2019 in Studio One 4 by otkkyqmm (120 points)

Hello I am using Studio one 4.
I have one question.
I want to change the color for each pitch of MIDI NOTEs as shown below.
In my case, all the pitches of the Edit MIDI notes are the same color.
As you can see in the picture below, each note has a different color.
Currently I am using the latest version.
I looked up a lot of options, but eventually I couldn't find them.
please answer me.
Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2021 by ignaciomelara (140 points)

Hi, I know the question was made some time ago, but I think this could be useful for some people.

You should go to "1" to start the edition mode of a pitchlist, then you should go to "2" in order to change the colors (in this part you can edit names, and the list order), and finally, you should go to "3" to show "Note Color" by "Pitch".
