Questions & Answers

Is PS49 a good choice?

+1 vote
asked Nov 13, 2019 in Studio One 4 by rogerprivitt1 (450 points)

I don't see any discussion about the PS49 keyboard controller. It also seems that it is discontinued. But I see that I can still buy one off

I recently bought a Komplete Kontroller. The process for simply installing the operating system seemed too complicated, so I decided to return it. It also seemed that I had a long way to go for understanding how to map all the Studio One 4 features in the Komplete.

Two Questions:

I am wondering if the PS49 would be less difficult to implement and if the the compatibility is already established?

Is Presonus considering releasing another keyboard style controller that is as integrated to Studio One 4 as the Atom?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer
While we can't comment on product development the PS-49 is automatically recognized and supported in Studio One. When you launch the program Studio One will automatically set it up for you as your default keyboard input.

It's a rugged light weight keyboard that is perfect for the small studio or someone on the go.

I myself took my PS-49 to a Halloween event where I mapped all the Minecraft sounds to a sampler set I created for Sample One in Studio One running on a laptop. Multiple kids were banging on that keyboard at once for hours to hear their favorite game sounds. It held up to the abuse. It continues to look great and play very well now that it's been back in the studio or on our desks in the QA lab.