Questions & Answers

External Audio Input isn't registering in So4-A.

0 votes
asked Nov 27, 2019 in Studio One 4 by stephenpatterson (120 points)
edited Nov 28, 2019 by stephenpatterson
Your Computer Make and Model -
 Macbook Pro 2015

Operating System and Version -
 MacOS Catalina v 10.15.1

Application Version-
Studio One Artist

Audio Interface and it's Driver Version -
Studio Live Ar8 USB

Digital Mixer and it's Driver/Firmware Version - ^^

My Issue is that I'm not getting any audio input signal from AR8 in SO4.

Mac side of things
-When setting up the the new song, I used the default interface settings available for the AR8
-Tracks are armed
-Internal Sounds work and register just fine. Both Pre-recorded loops and sounds from my Komplete Kontrol Synth.
-They will also play black just fine through the AR8 and into my studio monitors (Eris E5 XT)
-Mac is connected to AR8 via USB in the back.

AR8 Side of things
-MXL Ribbon Mic is plugged in to channel 1 of the AR8. It registers on board and runs out through monitors just fine.
- Also playing audio from phone through channel 2 of AR8 and it runs out through the monitors just fine.

out of curiosity, I opened up garage band and I had no issues. it works just fine there...So I feel like i'm a few clicks away somewhere within SO4 itself to make this happen.

Any comments or help would be greatly appreciated, I'm a huge fan on Presonus gear I just want to be able to use it.