Questions & Answers

Playback does not work

0 votes
asked Dec 28, 2019 in Notion by ivanjensen1 (120 points)
playback does not work??????????????????????????????

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2019 by jefflarson (140 points)
Neither does mine. Kind of upset about it. Says recording is disabled. Can't get playback, new song.....nothing. Is this program on the net or do we physically own it????????
0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2019 by justinmaresh (140 points)
Did you install the 8 GB of audio data? Since I didn't buy the boxed version, it was not obvious to me that I had to go the My.PreSonus page after logging-in, and click on Notion 6 under Recent Purchases to find a whole bunch of additional downloads required for playback. It would have been nice if that were explained somewhere. I hope this helps.
0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2020 by howardworf (250 points)
I think I've wasted my money. I have no instruments at all - the demo scores always load with every instrument missing. I can link to Studio One where I can manually load Philarmonik instruments (which takes ages, although I expect I could build a template eventually), but stand alone it's useless. I can't see any way to link to any of my other VST instruments like MODO Bass or Addictive Drums or my limited selection of Native Instrument VST to name but three. I'm pretty annoyed to be honest. I downloaded the six 'preset' folders shown on the product page and after research found I had to move them to the Notion preset gallery, but that didn't make any difference. They're not 8gb, so I don't know what's missing?