Questions & Answers

how do i rename tracks in the console and the editor at the same time

0 votes
asked Jan 8, 2020 in Studio One 4 by BlueGullStudio (200 points)
when i rename a Track in the console it does not rename in the editor and visa versa. I don’t want to have to rename twice ?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2020 by tothrec (32,280 points)
Are you sure?

I can't find anything about un-linking track names
0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2020 by BlueGullStudio (200 points)
Yes On my way! Sure ! I have my console vieiw on one screen and the editor window on another screen. When I name a track in the edit window it does not change in the channel strip in the console veiw ???
+1 vote
answered May 1, 2020 by LHandley (3,490 points)


The reason for this behavior is that Studio One doesn't associate mixer channels with instrument tracks; mixer channels are associated with either instruments or audio inputs. When you assign an instrument to an instrument track, a mixer channel is created that has the name the instrument gives to it.


If you right-click a track, at the bottom of the menu is a command that says "Apply Track Names to Channels" That will change the mixer channel name to match the track name. This will also work with multiple tracks/channels, as many as you select. To make this more efficient, I assigned the 'B' key to that command, so all I have to do is select the track(s) or channel(s) and press the 'B' key. To do that, go to the Studio One menu and select 'Keyboard Shortcuts...'.

0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2022 by kevvvvv (460 points)
as blue gull says. it works, especially if holding shift to apply the rename command to all channels selected.