Questions & Answers

What is better ? Eris 4.5 + 8 Temblor or Eris 4.5 + Temblor 10 ?

0 votes
asked Jan 11, 2020 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by romaincolas (120 points)

I have Eris 4.5 monitors and would like to add a subwoofer. I believe it was offered with a Temblor T8 but there are not many second-hand product in my area. There is more Temblor 10. Can the T10 work properly and without risk of damage to my equipment?
Thank you so much.

Best regards


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2020 by elliottsebag (7,650 points)
I would go with some monitors at least with 8" woofer some Presonus Eris E8 (i have the Sceptres S8 its really one step even higher - price is too though) .

For the sub would recommend at least 10" if really little room and even i prefer minimum 12" that you will put lower but will work better and reproduce better even lower frequencies.

Not sure in there is a Tremblor 12", you can also look at rythmyk audio Subs , i have heard great stuff about them and they aren't  that expensive..

Hope this might help,

Elliott S.
0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2020 by joostth (140 points)
I use the Eris E4.5 with Tremblor T8. The tremblor really ads sounds the eris cannot produce.
The T10 is better for sure, but don't forget to check the physical size of the box. See the sweetwater youtube video to get an impression. I didn't go for the T10 because, for me, it was to large to stow away.