Questions & Answers

Setting Wizard needed for beginner

0 votes
asked Jan 17, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by takumaiwakawa (120 points)
edited Jan 18, 2020 by takumaiwakawa

Hi, I suggest the new function to StudioOne ,to the starter section for newbie / beginner.

"Setting wizard".

MIDI Keyboard & Audio InterFace etc. setting section on the StudioOne is difficult to understand for some beginner.

So, StudioOne development team can fix the difficult settings section to more easy way,

WIZARD ask to beginner :)

wizard ask beginner "What is your hope to me?""What Can I do for the settings? Audio Interface? OK!!"

Anyway, can you (S1 development team) add function "WIZARD section" for I/O settings etc. ?

The WIZARD setting one by one to easily to setup the first startup for StudioOne.

Look Linux OS community ... they are good example.

How do you think ? It will more open the musical creation world for beginners to invite StudioOne`s world.

StudioOne will need more new customer from beginners , newbies from another DAW.

Please look at this video and think about what I mean :"Hello, Computer"  


I tell these words to Alexa (in Japanese)  "Computer , Why computer are NOT user friendly ?"

My Alexa said  "The question is little bit difficult for me, sorry." ... :(

 This mean Difficult things are there any person & computers.

But , I think new technology needs user friendly interface , not Manual PDF or Manual Video...

We need create new Music, new Song, new Sounds, with StudioOne soon as possible.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2020 by johnellard (3,170 points)
edited Jan 17, 2020 by johnellard
This was my first venture into MIDI. I followed the instructions in the manual that came with my Roland Keyboard MIDI controller. Then, I watched a video on setting up a MIDI device that's in the PreSonus Tutorial section under MyProducts.

When I ran Audio Setup in S1, my keyboard wasn't listed, so I selected New Keyboard and did exactly what it says in the S1 Reference Manual. Between the reading and the tutorial video, I found it quite simple to get it connected and working. I didn't have to know anything about the inner workings of MIDI to get my controller working in Studio One.

The problem with a Settings Wizard, is that it would have no idea if you have a driver from your MIDI controller manufacturer to install or any other special instructions from the controller manufacturer. Reading the instructions that come with a device and then reading the instructions in the S1 Reference Manual might be all anyone needs. If not, there are LOTS of videos on YouTube to walk you through it.

P.S. I was selling those Macintoshs in the video when they first came out in 1984. Where were you in 1984?