Questions & Answers

Need of the possibillity to close a song with the song button

0 votes
asked Jan 18, 2020 in Look and Feel by michaelsack (220 points)
When S1 has some songs opened, they are selectable over the field right to the song button on the right top.

The problem is that it is not possible to get rid of loaded songs without starting S1 again, remeber with several complex songs the computer will overloaded very fast.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2020 by johnellard (3,150 points)

"The problem is that it is not possible to get rid of loaded songs without starting S1 again..."

Yes, you can close a song and have S1 remain open. In fact, it will bring up the screen to start a new song or project.

Under the File menu, select Close, or use the keyboard shortcut. Ctrl W (Windows). Command W (Mac)
