Questions & Answers

Why am I getting promoted that mp3 converter is incompatible with Studio One?

0 votes
asked Jan 20, 2020 in Studio One 4 by markdalton1 (120 points)
In Studio One 4.6 I am supposed to have access to mp3 converter but am prompted that mp3 converter is incompatible with S1. I have never used it nor do I have a clue how to use it or get it where I can use it

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)

If your're talking about the "MP3 Converter for Studio One Artist", you might want to read the product page. It says there; "Will work with all Version 3 builds." MP3-Encoding/Decoding is now included in all Studio One versions.
