Questions & Answers

Ah yes, 48khz, Sorry. There is no other options except 44.1 on Studio One 4. Is their any way to add it?

–1 vote
asked Feb 19, 2020 in Studio One 4 by dukevalencia (130 points)
Ah yes, 48khz, Sorry. There is no other options except 44.1 on Studio One 4. Is their any way to add it?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2020 by elimaagic (340 points)
Please rephrase that.
In anycase, make sure your interface can process higher than 48 khz
for that you'll most likely need to go into your computer sound settings to make sure the proper drivers are installed, perchance your interface CAN process more, but is being bottlenecked
0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
I’ve used 48 kHz plenty. Gotta have it set in the Audio Device Setup and the Song Setup window when you start a session....