Questions & Answers

PreSonus Hub Functionality Request -- Login Issues

+1 vote
asked Mar 8, 2020 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by johnellard (3,170 points)
1) Logging in is crazy, at least under Windows 10 version of the Hub. You can't Copy and Paste in your password because it's never accepted. But, type in the exact same password and it works! Please fix this.

2) Even though I have Remember credentials checked, I have to re-enter my password each time I start up the Hub, which is a real nuisance due to the issue I shared above.

3) What's with all the Unicode options in the password field? Right click in that field to use Paste and I see more submenus with Unicode options I've never seen in any other login screen in any app? Not sure, who, and if anyone, needs any of those options. What is the purpose of making the login so complex? Or is this a holdover that the developers forgot to remove?? Please change/fix.

Thanks in advance!