Questions & Answers

Mixer view drag/drop

0 votes
asked Mar 20, 2020 in Studio One 4 by leefogarty (190 points)
This might have been asked before but I can't find it!

I am trying to re-arrange the channels in the mixer. Some of them seem to have self grouped! I haven't grouped them, and right clicking has no option to ungroup.

It's not all of them though - on the track I am working on now, drums & brass & percussion have grouped themselves. This means I can't move the percussion channel to be next to drums (as is my preference), as trying to drag it selects all drums & brass too.

I'm not sure I've explained that properly!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2020 by johnnygeib2 (14,880 points)
Best answer
There are only 2 ways to break up groups

1. Right-click on one of the tracks you suspect is grouped in the console (the console is the only place to group and un-group tracks) and select "DISSOLVE GROUP"

2. You can also check the tracklist to the left of the Arrange View and stretch it right to show the Grouped Tracks.
0 votes
answered Mar 20, 2020 by leefogarty (190 points)

There are only 2 ways to break up groups

1. Right-click on one of the tracks you suspect is grouped in the console (the console is the only place to group and un-group tracks) and select "DISSOLVE GROUP"

2. You can also check the tracklist to the left of the Arrange View and stretch it right to show the Grouped Tracks.

This is my problem - dissolve groups is disabled because they aren't grouped. The option to create a group is there...

Looking further, these all seem to be midi tracks. They seem to be in a secret group in the mixer.
