Questions & Answers

I just bought this, do I need a touch screen monitor for this software ?

0 votes
asked Feb 11, 2016 in Studio One 3 by bradleyreed (170 points)
I do not have a touchscreen monitor, and would like to know if I need one, and if not, what are the advantages of a touch screen monitor !!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2016 by DominicB (17,160 points)
You do not need a touch screen for Studio One 3, however, Studio One 3 has been optimized for use with multi-touch capable touchscreens. The advantages are being able to use intuitive touch gestures for normal functions of Studio One, such as drag and drop, pinch-zoom, swipe editing, and plugin manipulation just by touching the graphic interface on your touch screen.