Questions & Answers

Ez drummer 2 problem

0 votes
asked May 4, 2020 in Studio One 4 by Rumppis (210 points)
At first EZ Drummer 2 seems to work with Studio one 4 pro-version, but after I have done my song and start to "Add to Project"
the EZ Drummer track goes to "mute"-position.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 7, 2020 by seanhogge (550 points)
selected May 8, 2020 by Rumppis
Best answer
I use Toontrack stuff in Studio One 4 all the time, and have never had an issue.

Your description is very vague. Could you share more detail? If it goes to mute, can you not just unmute it? It could be because of a custom hotkey setup you're using, or because of a general option in the various preferences. Have you tried resetting all those to default or toggling them?
0 votes
answered May 8, 2020 by Rumppis (210 points)
It happens over and over again.
But thanks seanhogge Your tips.
I have to try to reset...