Questions & Answers

When do Presonus will make a autotune/ Pitch Correction plug in ?

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asked May 11, 2020 in Studio One 4 by billyray1 (120 points)
I suggest that presonus should make an autotune like plug in. Hiphop/Rap and Pop genre has the most home studio artist. I recommend Studio one 4 to a friend and he said Studio one has superior workflow and looks great and professional but the thing is it has no pitch correction plug in for vocal so he just buy the Fl studio signature much cheaper and has pitch correction and newtone same as melodyne. This is just a suggestion, if logic pro, Fl studio, cubase, and even reaper  has it pitch correction im sure Presonus can make it too. it'll be game changer for music production industry

1 Answer

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answered May 15, 2020 by tothrec (32,330 points)
Studio One comes with Melodyne which is a very powerful pitch and time-correction tool.