Questions & Answers

Auto-Disable post inserts on the master bus (ie. loudness meters, room correction EQ) when bouncing the song

+20 votes
asked Jun 1, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by peterpanajotow (260 points)
edited Jun 2, 2016 by peterpanajotow
This feature would be very handy because often we have more than 1 plugin on post inserts slot for analyzing, metering and room correction eq. You would have to switch it on and off every time you make a correction. Very simple but handy feature!

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 3, 2016 by MarkyGoldstein (6,940 points)
I think it would be even more interesting if you could select exactly which inserts you want to disable, by having insert groups.
0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2016 by marekokrasa (150 points)
You read my mind man ! Every time I bounce I have to manually turn off my ozone insight and sonarworks room correction. This feature would become handy when you forget to turn off the post insert slot.
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2019 by alekseymartynenko (1,660 points)
Definitely useful feature for room correction and metering plugins. I was surprised that post-master section goes to mixdown, it's very strange design for me.
0 votes
answered Mar 15, 2020 by matttamm (230 points)
just wanted to write same request.. shame it´s still not possible after two years of this request to turn off automaticaly  fx on post master chain