Questions & Answers

Changes to a scene

0 votes
asked Jun 3, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by glennmeling (150 points)
StudioLive24. I'm trying to save changes in a scene. E.g. I'm doing changes to EQ settings. Once finished I go to scene and I press store (something going on the screen and it says saved). I then recall a different scene (just so that I can go out of my scene and come back again to check if the changes were actually saved) - then I recall the scene where I made the changes. Alas, nothing is saved. So I guess the question is: How can I make sure that the changes I make on the mixer are saved?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
Ensure that you have the recall filter selected correctly otherwise no changes will be loading when you change scenes. Also ensure that you have not "scene safed" that channel.