Questions & Answers

Peace!!! I need help with VST please help me .....

0 votes
asked Jun 11, 2020 in PreSonus Hub / Plugins by eviha (120 points)

I'm trying to add PLG drum mixer MT POWER said to copy the PLG DLL night but I can't find the VST folder on the computer I did a search on the whole computer and didn't find it. You only found one folder called VST3. I moved the files there hoping it was. But then I got into my STODIO ONE 4 ARTIST. I went into options to add manually by folder location.But I couldn't find VST tab in LOCATION ...
I am working on ... Windows 10 PRO

Thanks to all the assistants !!! ....

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 11, 2020 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
Only Studio One Pro can use third party VSTs, or you can buy a VST add-on for artist. Beside "Instrument Library" you you will see another tab called "VST plugins".

Regarding your plugins folder, the VST3 folder is only for VST3 files, don't put you're DLLs there. The usual path for 64 bit plugins C/Program Files/VST Plugins, or C/Program FIles/Steinberg/VST Plugins. Some VST installers will make this folder for you. Some simpler installers will just give you a DLL to put in this folder. If you don't already have this folder you can just make it.

32 Bit plugins will go into C/program files (x86)/VST Plugins (or C/Program Files (x86)/Steinberg/VST Plugins), but Studio One won't use 32 bit plugins and there's no need for them anymore, but you can keep them there if you want.

VST3 is a newer format, it's hardwired to install to C/Program Files/Common Files/VST3. If your plugin has a VST3 version it will install here. In the Presonus browser you will the see two versions of a plugin (VST2 and VST3), you can just hide the VST2 version.