Questions & Answers

Show/Hide Automation for all tracks simultaneously

0 votes
asked Jul 2, 2020 in Studio One 4 by owenroberts3 (1,210 points)
I've got to be missing something here. This seems so simple.

When I click the top left 'Show/Hide Automation' Icon, all tracks switch to show automation.

However, when I hit 'A' only the track currently selected shows the automation for that track. The other tracks do nothing.

I want this global behaviour when I press 'A'. I want all of the tracks in the project to switch together to show Automation with a key command. Not just the one selected.

Can anyone help?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)
That's strange. When I push 'A', it shows/hides automation on all tracks. Have you edited the keyboard shortcuts at all or changed the overall mapping to another DAW? Mine has 'A' set as default for show/hide, so I'm wondering if you reset the key bindings to the Studio One default if it would correct it.
0 votes
answered Sep 14, 2022 by colinotoole (16,790 points)
Same: When I press 'A', it shows/hides automation on all tracks at once.