Questions & Answers

Universal Control - Enable hide track, reshuffle tracks, show inputs and outputs

+8 votes
asked Apr 13, 2022 in StudioLive Series III by phillmcmurtry (300 points)
Universal control would be better if we could have the following features:

1) Have ability to HIDE/SHOW Tracks.

2) Have ability to reshuffle tracks around.

3) Clearly show INPUT/OUTPUT on TRACKS like a DAW.

4) Clearly show SOURCE TYPE on TRACK i.e. USB/Analog/AVB/SDCard

5) Keep 48V Phantom on for different scenes.

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered May 16, 2022 by audiomotive (310 points)
I would love to be able to hide/show channels, to compact the “mix” per scene