Questions & Answers

Enable System DPI Scaling working correctly with Kontakt

+26 votes
asked Jul 8, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by jw31 (2,170 points)
edited Jul 7, 2021 by jw31

Sadly system DPI scaling does not work with Native Instruments Kontakt in Studio One. This is especially an issue because the Kontakt GUI is mini sized in Studio One and hard to read at higher resolutions, unlike in some other DAWs which upscale it correctly depending on Windows scaling settings.

So I'd like to request this feature/bug fix, a focused fix on scaling so that it works in particular with Native Instruments Kontakt, the most widely used by overwhelming numbers software sampler around.

3 Answers

+3 votes
answered Jul 28, 2020 by abdullahalshalhoub (260 points)
It's very frustrating, i sometimes use Windows magnifier to see some  details of Kontakt, what is strange though, is that it was working nice in version 4, but version 5 is not.
+1 vote
answered May 29, 2021 by donpreuninger (860 points)
This is really a problem for me too.  Native Instruments should be fixing this really, but they're too lame to do anything right when it comes to UI.  So Studio One has got to get this working better.
0 votes
answered Feb 16, 2022 by johnmiltone (150 points)
In such context THIS bug stop all working on Studio One.

Because NI is the most popular plugins developer and Kontakt is the main plugins for loading vst NI.

I try Studio One 5 it seems pretty good for DAW but the first loading VST I have and this is big big issue !

- display big issue

- no dispatch multi out audio plugins into mixer Studio One

Perhaps it's not Presonus guilty but it result the same. Impossible to work with my main plugins DAW with it.