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closed Speed up/down Envelope like the Gain Envelope in S1v5 for audio. [Completed 5.0]

+18 votes
asked Jul 14, 2020 in Completed Feature Requests by Djstatix (2,460 points)
closed Jan 8, 2021 by arndkaiser
Speed up/ down or pitch bend for audio would be great not having to use a 3rd party plugin for such a simple feature to add.  Other DAWs have this feature.
closed with the note: Completed in 5.0

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 15, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Jul 21, 2020 by HopTzop (3,140 points)
This would be really nice, especially since now we have Tape algorithm. You could do tape stop effect. Maybe let the use switch between volume envelope and speed envelope.
0 votes
answered Jul 22, 2020 by jeroenvandenwildenberg (860 points)
Have been asking about this feature for +- 5 years.

I guess licensing these pitch/stretch algorithms are too expensive for Presonus at this time, the new Tape algorithm pretty much shows they have the technique ready to implement such feature.

Fingers crossed they will implement this one day..
commented Jan 8, 2021 by arndkaiser (2,300 points)
This has been implemented as a new timestretch mode "Tape" in Studio One 5. Use the Tempo Track to create the effect.