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Add "clip gain envelope" for volume automation in the project page

+72 votes
asked Jul 8, 2020 in Completed Feature Requests by olavsflaa (710 points)
recategorized Jan 13, 2022 by Fabian Kiesewetter
Automation is not available in the project page. If the new "clip gain envelope"-feature was available for mixes in the project page, we could use it for volume automation. This would be very useful to me!

4 Answers

+9 votes
answered Jul 19, 2020 by tomslowcat (3,670 points)
Totally agree! I can't believe they still haven't integrated that in the Project page, nevermind any other Automation! Do people at Presonus actually know what the mastering process consist of? Ask any master engineer out there, they'll all tell you how essential it is to have the ability to just quickly edit a clic or transient within a stereo mixdown. Being forced to import and edit the file in Song mode, bounce it again  and re-import it in Project mode for such a simple task is a joke that makes Project mode more of a gimmick than a serious mastering tool right now.
+8 votes
answered Jul 24, 2020 by adarshchandran (5,530 points)
edited Oct 23, 2020 by adarshchandran
Please Presonus!! So many of us want Gain envelope in project page!  Project page Rocks but please put Gain envelope and Automation. It goes like bread and butter
+2 votes
answered Feb 28, 2021 by jessedill (900 points)
Yes. Yes. Yes. This is needed. Just ran into this today again and it would make it so fast and easy to just modify the stereo mix with the gain envelope.

MANY of us, and many of the most known producers do this in the mastering process - most other DAWs support it and it really is time that we get this in Studio One!!! PLEASE?! How about in release 5.2? That'd be perfect!
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2021 by leonardosilva8 (460 points)
PLEASE! As many comment here, this is crucial! Guys you should include Gain Envelope on the Project page! Thanks!