Questions & Answers

What about Notion crossgrade for SO Pro users ?

+1 vote
asked Jul 14, 2020 in Notion by benotcervelli (1,020 points)

Hi, there was a page about the Notion 6 crossgrade for Studio One Pro users, but it disappeared with SO5.( 

Why ? I was interested by that offer (the third of the price) and I prefer to buy it than to pay for a Sphere membership. Is that the new state of mind at Presonus to celebrate 25 years : will the SO Pro users be obliged to pay the full licence or go to Sphere ? Or will you bring back the crossgrade offer ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 23, 2020 by gregoriochvez (550 points)
Es una tontería de su parte, ya pensaba en comprarlo pero por todo ese dinero veo mejor cambiarme a Dórico. Un retroceso en cuanto a negocio ya que premiaba tu fidelidad con presonus. Una lástima