Questions & Answers

End Marker help

0 votes
asked Aug 1, 2020 in Studio One 5 by maverickhurley1 (580 points)
ok dumb question.. I have searched and seem to be doing what it says but doesnt seem to work.  So when I select song.  We of course have the start flag but the end flag is at the 5 minute marker.   I try to click and cut the end marker and then try to paste at the end of a track.. say its a 30 second track I click and try to paste but it never moves the end marker.. Only way I have found to move the end marker is to manually drag.  Which takes forever if to drag from 5 minute mark all the way back to 30 seconds.   I am sure I am missing some function... Any help appreciated... When I go to render a file I dont want it to render the 5 minutes of just a 30 second track.  I can use a flag such as flag 2 to mark Start to Flag 2 to render but would rather to use a End Marker.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 3, 2020 by cdricblanqui (7,530 points)
You have to zoom back your timeline, then it will take you 2 seconds to move the end marker (you can't delete it)

Otherwise, you can insert a new marker wherever you need and when you export the mix, just select those marks instead of "start/end"

Other option ; When you create a song, define the lenght so the end marker will mark it.

0 votes
answered Oct 19, 2023 by meister69 (140 points)
I know this is an old post, but this was first on the Google list when I had the same question.

Turns out that if you have the Browse side panel open, when you zoom out to show the whole song, the last few seconds is hidden behind the panel and you can't see the End marker. Close the Browse panel and the End marker should be visible if you are fully zoomed out.
0 votes
answered Jan 28, 2024 by fcizin (160 points)
Instead of dragging, or zooming out and dragging, I just note where the song ends.  I then go to Preferences, Song Setup and type in the end location.  Done!