Questions & Answers

drag and drop recorded audio files to vsti sampler?

+3 votes
asked Sep 8, 2020 in Studio One 5 by dange74 (1,160 points)
Hi, I was trying to move my recorded vocal files directly to my 3rd party VST sampler from the arranging window

is there any way I can do that? I can't drag and drop the audio files to my VST even from the audio pool.

I was able to do that on Ableton so I was wondering if it is possible on Studio One. if not any workaround?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 9, 2020 by dmitrypetrenko (2,990 points)
A similar situation is with moving MIDI to a tool that has the ability to import third-party files (in particular, EzBass). Perhaps this is a Windows-related problem. But in Cubase 10.5 Pro it works.