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big tall volume meter on the right of song page

+14 votes
asked Sep 16, 2020 in Recording by bwblake (310 points)
you can use the Level Meter plug in for mixing. Its good. But I need a tall adjustable meter for the song page...not the tiny one at the bottom..... where is a meter like that??? It would sit to the far right..

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 21, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,320 points)
Best answer

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+2 votes
answered Sep 16, 2020 by colinotoole (16,870 points)

Would this be of any use to you?

+1 vote
answered Sep 21, 2020 by basemalattar (1,550 points)
I agree, I would like to see that feature too.

That solution from Joe Guilder is a very smart idea  but it's just a workaround with a few problems of it' s own.

For starters you actually have to have the edge of the level meter sticking out of your screen. So whenever you need to adjust the metering settings you have to drag it back in and realign it afterwards.  

Then there is the fact that the level meter does not remember it's size and placement even if you create a preset after resizing it, it just defaults to the small horizontal size every time it's opened.

Yes I know you can do it once and save a template. But what about the 600 songs I've made before finding Joe's workaround ?!

I also switch screen resolutions often, to work with plugins with tiny GUI's. Every time I do that, the level meter disappears or needs place & size adjustment.

It would make life a lot easier to have a large vertical Master Level Meter as a permanent feature
+1 vote
answered Nov 8, 2020 by m@P (1,940 points)
agreed...not quite able to resize that gray area down enough
+1 vote
answered Jan 28, 2021 by pellefridell (5,210 points)
I totally agree!!

I have been looking for this a long time and when seeing Joe Gilders videos I directly tried to find it :-)

Just a cm wide on the right border og the window would be great and utilising the screen optimal.

Best Pelle