Questions & Answers

studio one5 mix export bug

+3 votes
asked Nov 6, 2020 in Studio One 5 by pnkfxmjz (150 points)
1.Audio clips may be missing when exporting
2.A click will appear at the beginning of the real-time export
3.Offline export sometimes makes mistakes.The export progress remains unchanged, and the remaining export time keeps increasing
1 and 2 are the problems with my updated version, and 3 is the problem with studio one5
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my computer system, in windows it's like this

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2021 by lassieronen (450 points)
I have also had this issue. Sometimes running the export has fixed the issue. I also have issue especially with Native Instruments VST instruments like Session Strings or Session Guitarist. The instrument plays some random stuff :D